- Prediction of Potassium in Peach Leaves Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Multivariate Analysis 2022
MIA Abenina, JM Maja, M Cutulle, JC Melgar, H Liu
AgriEngineering 4 (2), 400-413
- Optimizing peach management based on hyperspectral and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology 2021
AI de Castro, JM Maja, JC Melgar, G Schnabel, F López-Granados, ...
Precision agriculture, 203-209
- Lykins, S., Scammon, K., Lawrence, B. T., and Melgar, J.C. 2020 Photosynthetic Light Response of Floricane Leaves of Erect Blackberry Cultivars from Fruit Development into the Postharvest Period. HortScience 56 (3), 347-351
- Campbell, D., Sarkhosh, A., Brecht, J. K., Gillett-Kaufman, J. L., Liburd, O., Melgar, J. C., and Treadwell, D. 2020. Bagging Organic Peaches Reduces Physical Injuries and Storage Decay with Minimal Effects on Fruit Quality. HortScience, 1, 1-7.
- Lawrence, B.T. and Melgar, J.C. 2020. Variable fall climate conditions on carbon assimilation and spring phenology on young peach trees. Plants 9 (10).
- Zhou, Q. and Melgar, J.C. 2020. Tree age influences nutrient partitioning among annually removed aboveground organs of peach. HortScience 55: 560-564
- Lawrence, B., Melgar, J.C., Dallmann, M., Ouellette, D., Mengjun, H. and Schnabel, G. 2020. Field performance and susceptibility to fungal pathogens of eleven blackberry cultivars. International Journal of Fruit Science.
- Zhou, Q. and Melgar, J.C. 2019. Ripening season affects tissue mineral concentration and nutrient partitioning in peach trees. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 182: 203-209
- Simpson, C.R., Melgar, J.C., Nelson, S.D. and Sétamou, M. 2019. Growth and yield responses under different grove management strategies for water conservation in young grapefruit trees. Scientia Horticulturae 256: 108567
- Allran, J., Schnabel, G. and Melgar, J.C. 2019. Peach bagging in the Southeastern U.S. Journal of the American Pomological Society 73: 38-46
- Kunta, M., Guzman, L., Garcia, A.C., del Rio, H.S., Melgar, J.C. and Louzada, E.S. 2019. Evaluation of physiological parameters in Citrus plants transformed with cyclic nucleotide gated ion channel (CNGC) gene. Acta Horticulturae 1230: 107-115
- Lawrence B.T. and Melgar, J.C. 2018. Variable fall climate influences nutrient resorption and reserve storage in young peach trees. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1819.
- Lawrence, B. and Melgar, J.C. 2018. Harvest, handling, and storage recommendations for improving postharvest quality of blackberry cultivars. HortTechnology 28: 578-583
- Penella, C., Calatayud, A. and Melgar J.C. 2017. Ascorbic acid alleviates water stress in young peach trees and improves their performance after rewatering. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 1627.
- Hu, M-J., Peng, C., Melgar, J.C. and Schnabel, G. 2017. Investigation of potential causes of peach skin streaking. Plant Disease 101: 1601-1605
- Nishikawa, F., Louzada, E., Melgar, J.C., Kunta, M. and Setamou, M. 2017. Effects of planting bed height and the use of plastic mesh as ground cover on the flowering of citrus trees. Bulletin of the NARO, Fruit Tree and Tea Science 1: 1-8
- Kusakabe, A., Contreras-Barragan, B.A., Simpson, C.R., Enciso, J.M., Nelson, S.D. and Melgar, J.C. 2016. Application of partial rootzone drying to improve irrigation water use efficiency in grapefruit trees. Agricultural Water Management 178: 66-75
- Contreras-Barragan, B.A., Kusakabe, A., Melgar, J.C. and Nelson, S.D. 2016. Understanding partial rootzone drying in citrus. Acta Horticulturae 1135: 123-130
- Chaudhary, S., Kusakabe, A. and Melgar, J.C. 2016. Phytophthora infection in flooded citrus trees reduces root hydraulic conductance more than under non-flooded condition. Scientia Horticulturae 202: 107-110
- Elsayed-Farag, S. and Melgar, J.C. 2015. Efficiency of tree-based water status indicators at the onset of water deficit in citrus. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology 56: 305-309
- Simpson, C.R., Nelson, S.D., Melgar, J.C., Jifon, J., Schuster, G. and Volder, A. 2015. Effects of salinity on physiological parameters of grafted and ungrafted citrus trees. Scientia Horticulturae 197: 483-489